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Extracurricular Activities

Kids need more than just regular classroom learning to nurture their minds as research has shown that children who participate in extracurricular activities perform better academically and grow to become better adults.

However, the dilemma for most teachers is how to incorporate these activities into classroom hours and which activities are most suitable. There are a lot of things to consider; fitting these activities into the regular curriculum, how to engage parents?

Considering the above factors, we decided to come up with some tips to consider when you are looking to carry out incorporate extracurricular activities into school time:

BE FLEXIBLE - Sports is an enjoyable extracurricular activity for kids, but the truth is that not every child loves sports and there need to be activities for such kids.

There are a lot other activities which can be incorporated into the extracurricular curriculum of a school. Such activities include setting up coding clubs, poetry clubs, eco-clubs, Pi club, debate clubs, among other things.

Codemoji is one platform which offers many fun programming related activities which kids can enjoy, and they are currently working on an after school coding club program.

CONSIDER SAFETY- Safety is a major factor to consider when planning extracurricular activities. Thus the safety of a particular event has to be considered and safety measures like helmets, shin guards, ankle guards, rubber gloves and much more.

Creating a safe environment for kids to participate in these extracurricular activities would encourage participation from even the most reluctant students. It also makes the parents encouraged to allow their children participate in such programs because sometimes, parents can be unwilling to consent to their kid's involvement in these activities.

GET SENIORS INVOLVED - One way to make extracurricular activities fun is by getting seniors involved. Some children have their elder siblings in senior classes and seeing familiar faces around help calm them down during pensive situations. Also, these senior students would have a lot of ideas to contribute to these activities to make them more fun and innovative.

In societies like debating clubs, poetry clubs, and science clubs, the presence of a senior role model gives everyone something to gain. The seniors get good experience while the younger kids have persons to guide them on the activities.

GET EVERYONE INVOLVED - Getting everyone involved with out of school offerings. Cover supervisors, teaching assistants, mentors, parents, students, etc. has a significant impact on the overall quality of the event or activity. You would also find that many locals are happy to support in school closure periods, holidays and weekends. Also, they won’t mind joining as they won’t feel the pressure of results as teachers do and this helps create a relaxed and tension-free environment.

SCHOOL CULTURE IS IMPORTANT - A competitive school culture helps promote healthy competition and give extracurricular activities a sense of direction. This school culture can extend from sports to debate, heptathlon, etc.

School houses should be set up and extracurricular activities should be done side-by-side with teaching as it helps in fostering unity in the school. Also, special school days should not be ignored when planning these events particularly as it gives the kids something to look forward to every school term.

GET TEACHERS TO RUN THE ACTIVITIES THEY LOVE - When making plans for school extracurricular, the individual preferences of the teachers should be considered. In a way, this ensures that squares are in squares and ensures that the students and educators enjoy what they are both doing.

Education Emoji

CREATE A BUDGET AND STICK WITH IT - This is one critical factor to be considered when planning extracurricular activities. It’s often common to find the budget quite stretched when planning and even executing extracurricular activities.

Prices for tools required for any extracurricular activity should be ascertained long before the event and just before the event to avoid any surprises. Also, purchase of equipment’s should be made in discounted periods and on online deals.

money bag money bag money bag

GET SUPPORT FROM LOCAL BUSINESSES - One way of facilitating extracurricular events is to draw upon support and skills from local businesses. Utilizing the skills and insights from volunteers provides students with aspirational role models, develops their confidence and self-esteem within a structured environment.

Extracurricular activities provide kids with opportunities they may not have access to due to home circumstances and social deprivation. Developing these parts of their personalities will make them more rounded and employable citizens.

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