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About| Codemoji - Coding for Kids

About Codemoji - Coding for Kids

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What we do: Codemoji is a breakthrough coding platform that's as easy to learn as texting your friends with emoji. Codemoji fast-tracks learning by eliminating pesky code syntax and typing hurdles, focusing on intuitive, relatable emoji that represent and function as standard in HTML and CSS code.

At the heart of Codemoji is a deep belief that learning to code should not be hindered by a lack of proficient typing or syntax confusion, but focused on creating, building and mastering the fundamentals of code. Codemoji empowers coders, instantly bolstering their confidence and efficiency allowing for rapid learning and long-term retention.

Future/Yo this could be big: Yesterday was rote learning and IQ scores. Today is problem solving and persistence, envisioning and creating. There are no limits to what we can achieve. In this decade, success comes from thoughtful observation, from trying over and over again, from unswaying dedication and genuine passion.

Mission/What we believe: We believe that nurturing enthusiasm and happiness in every child will allow them to shape their future. As teachers and parents and mentors, teaching our kids how to code is like gifting them the knowledge and tools to reach for the stars. We at seek to inspire life-long passion for coding, imagination without bounds, and the courage to chase after your dreams.

Computer science curriculum for k-8 : The curriculum is organized into courses where students move at their own pace through scaffolded lessons to learn concepts and apply them creatively. Codemoji includes everything you need to teach programming in a fun, engaging way, including lesson plans, teacher guides, answer keys, and standards alignment.

Codemoji Implementation Pictures

Students-coding-John-middleton-elementary-school Students-coding-John-middleton-elementary-school Students-coding-John-middleton-elementary-school Students-coding-John-middleton-elementary-school